Fish Seed

Fish Seeds


The larvae rising from the inseminated eggs once hatching is termed offspring. it's characterized by the presence of nutrient sac hanging below from wherever it attracts its nutrition for 2–3 days. At this stage, the mouth isn't shaped and thence it doesn't take food from outside.


As shortly because the nutrient sac of the offspring is absorbed it's called spawn. At this stage, the mouth is made and it starts taking little fauna like rotifers and supplementary feed like an ingredient, finely small-grained feed, rice bran etc.
As shortly because the spawn assumes the form of the fish and grow to regard 1–2 cm it's called fry. At this stage, they're primarily smaller size fauna feeder. It takes regarding seven to ten days for the spawn to mature to fry stage.


As shortly because the fry mature to 10–15 cm size or roughly equal the dimensions of a finger it's called fish. fish is that the correct size for stocking in table fish production ponds. It takes regarding 30–60 days for the fry to mature to fish size.
