Links between IUU fishing and crime within the fisheries sector

 In addition to IUU fishing, the activities of fishermen and vessels involved in this type of fishing may constitute, lead to or be accompanied by crimes committed within the fishing sector.

The diagram above shows the links between IUU fishing and crimes committed within the fishing sector, that is, crimes related to fishing and crimes associated with the fishing sector.[1] 

Fishing-related crimes are closely linked to the fishing activity, although they are not considered illegal, unreported or unregulated fishing, since they are not considered fishing itself. Examples of crimes related to fisheries include forgery of documents such as forged fishing licences, tax offences, money laundering, improper working conditions, etc. 

Crimes associated with the fishing sector are crimes that do not have a direct connection with fishing operations, but that take place on fishing vessels or during a fishing operation, which is used as a cover, opportunity or means to commit these crimes. Examples of this type of crime include drug trafficking, human trafficking, arms trafficking, piracy, etc. 

Tackling each of these three different categories requires concrete and concerted action by various agencies and different operational and legal frameworks, as these categories may not need the same tools to address them. However, in some cases, a ship may be involved in activities that could be classified in all three categories, making it necessary to have coordinated enforcement measures. 

Several agencies have been working on the development of instruments aimed at dealing with crimes associated with the fishing sector. For example, the  International Labor Organization (ILO)  led the development of  the Work in the Fishing Sector Convention (C188) , which was approved in 2007 and entered into force in November 2017. This Convention sets a minimum standard for employment of workers on fishing vessels, including minimum age, conditions of service, worker safety, remuneration, repatriation, accommodation and other matters. 

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)  has several initiatives focused on fisheries-related crime and crime associated with the fisheries sector, including the  Global Program for Combating Wildlife and Forest Crime , the  Maritime Crime Program , the  Global Program against Money Laundering  and the  Container Control Programme . UNODC also worked with its Members on  the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime , which was approved by the United Nations General Assembly in 2000 and entered into force in 2003.
